after one's own heart 1 . 合自己心意,称自己的心;与自己有相同爱好 break someone's heart 2 . 使心碎 close (或 dear) to (或 near) one's heart 3 . 感兴趣 from the (bottom of one's) heart 4 . 发自内心的(地);诚心诚意的(地) give (或 lose) one's heart 5 . 爱上 have a heart 6 . 发慈悲,怜悯 have a heart of gold 7 . 有一颗仁厚的心,有一颗金子般的心 have the heart to do something 8 . 忍心 have (或 put) one's heart in 9 . 全心全意地投入 have one's heart in one's mouth 10 . 提心吊胆,担心 have one's heart in the right place 11 . 为人诚恳;怀善意 heart of stone 12 . 铁石心肠 hearts and flowers 13 . 感伤,多愁善感 hearts and minds 14 . 全心全意 one's heart's desire 15 . 心之所爱 one's heartstrings 16 . 心弦,内心最深处的感情 in one's heart of hearts 17 . 在心灵深处 take something to heart 18 . (对批评等)很在意(或感到不快) wear one's heart on one's sleeve 19 . 过于暴露感情,想法;过于直率 with all one's heart (或 one's whole heart) 20 . 诚心诚意地 习惯用语 at heart 1 . 内心:有某人内心深处;本质上 by heart 2 . 强记;逐字记忆 do (one's) heart good 3 . 提高某人的士气;使某人高兴 from the bottom of (one's) heart 或 from the depths of (one's) heart 4 . 真诚的:带着最深的感激之情的;最真诚的 have (one's) heart in (one's) mouth 5 . 极其害怕或担心 have (one's) heart in the right place 6 . 好心的 heart and soul 7 . 完全的;完整的 in (one's) heart of hearts 8 . 在某人最真实的感情之处 lose (one's) heart to 9 . 爱上(某人) near (one's) heart 或 close to (one's) heart 10 . 被某人所爱的或对某人重要的 steal (someone's) heart 11 . 赢得某人的喜爱或爱 take to heart 12 . 认真对待…,受…影响或困扰 to (one's) heart's content 13 . 无限地满足某人 wear (one's) heart on (one's) sleeve 14 . 通过某人的行为清楚和公开地表明其感情 with all (one's) heart 15 . 非常愿意或高兴地 with half a heart 16 . 以不热衷的方式